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· DDD <3 end-to-end UI-tests
· Modernising Legacy with DDD
Jimmy has been a DDD-practitioner for quite some time and 2006 his second book called “Applying Domain Driven Design and Patterns” was published. He has been in the industry for thirty years, is founder and a consultant of factor10 and spend most of his time helping their clients to take leaps to their “just cause”.
DDD <3 end-to-end UI-tests
Jimmy Nilsson, Andreas Cederström
Traditionally UI-based end-to-end (e2e) tests have been both time consuming to write, extremely brittle, sensitive to intermittent problems and cumbersome to troubleshoot. As a result, most software development teams don't write UI-based e2e tests, instead they rely on (at best) automating the lower parts of the test pyramid and manage the top with manual labour.
We suggest that you give UI-based e2e testing a new chance, but with a different approach this time and with modern software tools. In this workshop we will elaborate on how e2e testing fits gracefully with DDD. It will be part of your design process, for example regarding evolving the ubiquitous language. It’s one more effective tool you will benefit from to get better collaboration between domain experts and software practitioners when creating and delivering business value.
Join us in exploring hands-on how UI-based e2e testing can be a natural part of your software design process. Discover how it will help you with how to write all the other tests as well as the production code in a good way. Be prepared for a lot of fun coding!
Modernising Legacy with DDD
Jimmy Nilsson
It’s not a secret any longer that Domain-Driven Design is a powerful tool when modernising legacy applications. But how to get started, how to stay on track and how to fulfil your endeavour? That is still hard to find guidance for.
In this workshop, we'll work through a process of a renovation project with a focus on the architecture. Some parts we will move through quickly, other parts - the what and how - we will do hands-on in small group exercises, and with full group discussions afterwards. That way you'll get different views, opinions, and suggestions to digest, not just what you experienced in your own exercises.
The overall process we will use looks like this:
- Describe the current situation from a business centric perspective
- Develop a new target situation
- Develop a plan for going from current to target
- Execute a first step for checking the plan
- Adjust and repeat
The walkthrough will be filled with suggestions, tips, and ideas for how to effectively solve the challenges.
You'll gain introductory knowledge of a great way to tackle legacy, that will help you on your path.